Ladies this blog is for you.
I have decided periods suck! Let's be honest though, are they ever enjoyable? And if you think about it, periods don't just effect us one week out of the month. There is the week before, I know for me that is when my boobs start to hurt and I get a little moody. For me it feels like there is a cloud that comes over my head and looms above me. Then the week of the period the cloud rains on my head and sometimes it throws some lightening. Then the period is over. As sudden as the storm came in it leaves just like that. . .sometimes!!! There are those times it doesn't know what it is going to do. Have you ever had the fake out? You think its gone and you take off the rain boots, and then BAM. . .sneak attack!!!
I know it probably sounds like I am whining. And yeah I am. But I hate the week long depression and the mood swings that come with it. It's bad enough I have to bleed but I hate wreaking havoc on my poor husband. The poor guy probably thinks his wife has been invaded or abducted.
But anyway I am just pretty gloomy and irritated and I wanted to vent my frustrations at the cause of it all. Isn't that odd that a little period creates so much mental frustration. That is probably why the husband calls it a mental stration!
Anyway ladies feel free to share in my frustration or put me in my place and tell me to get over it. LOL!
March 15, 2009
The Cloud. . .
Love JC & Aimee written: 10:29 PM 3 comments
March 8, 2009
All about John!
I consider myself very blessed. Even when I don't think I have everything I need or want. I am still very blessed. God gave me a man that loves me unconditionally, respects me, and honors me. John truly does walk out Ephesians 5:25-29 "25 For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her 26 to make her holy and clean, washed by the cleansing of God’s word. 27 He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault. 28 In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself. 29 No one hates his own body but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ cares for the church. "
I too love John so very much. I want to honor him and respect him. So below is many reasons why I love my husband so very much.
1. When John looks at me I know he loves me there is a look of assurance and trust. I never ever doubt his love for me.
2. John makes me laugh! It doesn't matter if I am cranky or sitting there pouting (yes sometimes I pout). He will always bring a laugh to my heart!
3. John is my best friend. I trust him and I know I can tell him anything and he will listen to me. He will offer advice or just listen and not judge me.
4. John is thoughtful. He doesn't make decisions hastily. He is careful of his words and he takes everyone's feelings into consideration. HE NEVER gossips! He is an amazing example to me.
5. John loves his family. He is a loving son, brother, nephew, uncle, and husband!
6. John is adventurous and fun. He loves life and he doesn't sit by idly!
7. John loves the Lord with all his heart. Because of this John is so amazing at giving perspective and counsel.
8. John is focused. He knows what he wants and he goes for it.
9. John is gorgeous. I know I know, a little superficial but seriously he is gorgeous look at those beautiful blue eyes! When I look at him my heart just melts.
10. John always makes sure I am ok. It doesn't matter what is going on with him he makes sure I am good to go.
11. John is honest. He isn't brutal, but he is gentle in his honesty. And he knows when sometimes you should just be quiet. Again another amazing example for me.
12. John is accepting. First off he married me. If anyone knows my past they know each and every break up I had I was told, "You are too sensitive, you talk too much and it's annoying. But hey you would be a great friend." Since day one John has loved me for each and everything that makes me up. I can be 100% real with him.
13. John has a calming spirit about him. When I am anxious or agitated I just need to be in the same room with him and instantly I am calm. And have you seen him with babies? They usually smile and cuddle with him and then fall asleep!
14. John is humble. He never boasts about himself. He takes compliments gracefully and doesn't let them go to his head. And he doesn't put himself on a pedestal. Seriously if you haven't sensed a theme here, he is an amazing example to me.
15. John gives the bestest kisses in the world. Seriously I think so!
16. John is the cutest sleeper. I just love watching him sleep. There is something about the way he sleeps that makes me smile.
17. John is always surprising me. It isn't always extravagant either, it could be something as simply remembering.
18. John makes the best pouty face. Once he makes this face I am instantly laughing and he is getting his way, lol!
19. John is a very giving person. He gives his time and energy freely to help others. He never thinks twice he does it very automatically.
20. John is a gentleman. He respects women and thinks it is highly in distaste to ever disrespect a woman. And the most amazing thing is how he handles conflict, he has never ever ever laid a hand on anyone. My husband doesn't know what it feels like to inflict physical pain on anyone and says he never wants to. Now that is a man!!!!
Above were just only 20 reasons why I love John so much. But trust me there is so much more. I could definitely add to this list each and everyday. I am so glad I married my best friend. I hope everyone is married to their best friend or I hope everyone will get that opportunity one day. If you took your time to read this blog and look at all the pictures I encourage you to also stop and think at all the reasons you love your husband. Genesis 2:18 "18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” Each and every one of us was created specifically for one person! Let us give God praise in our marriages and see how right our husbands are for us!!! Amen!
Love JC & Aimee written: 1:29 PM 0 comments