March 23, 2010

I Will Survive? Yes. . .

Well here I am, sitting, here. Sitting and laying here I must stay. I have been put on restricted bed-rest! Oh joy!

So here is the lowdown. This whole pregnancy I have had the epitome of perfect blood pressure and health. Seriously my blood pressure was always down in the 120's. Then the past week and a half my blood pressure decided to start being not so nice. No worries, nothing above 160. But in the high 140's. Since I have an amazing doctor he discussed some concern of preeclampsia. He knows my body and health so the increase in blood pressure had him slightly concerned. Hours at work were reduced, instead of 40 hours a week I was going to work 30 hours. No big deal, I actually enjoyed it. However I noticed this past week I was feeling dizzy and lightheaded, nothing abnormal for pregnancy, but slightly annoying. Kept track of my blood pressure and noted it to be in the 140's. On Saturday I saw nice little floating spots in front of my eyes, oh great.

On Monday I saw my doctor and told him what was going on and of course my blood pressure at the office was not good. So he sent me to the hospital to do some tests for preeclampsia. Well my blood pressure wouldn't stabilize so they decided to admit me. The plan was to continue testing and if I came back as preeclamptic they would induce me. I of course was nervous, but John of course was excited. He is definitely ready to meet our son.

Well after a long day and night of peeing into a large container, that's right they collected all my accumulated pee from 12 hours, it came back that I am not preeclamptic. But I am walking the line, got diagnosed with gestational hypertension. So they sent me home where I have to stay on bed-rest until my 39th week. If I have not gone into labor on my own by the 39th week they will induce.

So even though the situation is not ideal it's just a short amount of time until we get to meet Baby Carl. To give you a quick update on Baby Carl; he is doing great. He is weighing in at 6 lbs. 9 oz. and he is in the position he needs to be to come out. I am dilated at 2 and there is effacement going on (don't remember the number). So maybe he will come on his own!!

In the meantime what will I do to survive the next week and a half in bed? Here is the list I have compiled:

Finish Thank You Notes
Do as much homework as possible
Go through a stack of paperwork that has been waiting for me
Watch The Office series consecutively
And try not to lose my mind.

If anyone has other ideas, just shoot them my way!


Unknown said...

Sleep some too! I was on bed rest for 2 weeks and I watched too much TV, read too many books and didn't sleep enough :) I am praying for you, JC and baby Carl.
Jen Rich