June 26, 2010

Could it Be?! Is That My Baby Boy. . .

Today my Mr. Man is three months old!!! Where has the time gone? Surely I don't know. The time seems to be flying by. I am enjoying it because I get to enjoy all his new developments. But at the same time I am terrified because I know one day my baby boy will be a walking, talking, educated, mature man! Wow that is hard to swallow. So I must focus on the here and now! Enjoy every minute with him!!!

So what have I been enjoying with my little boy?

1. He laughs! He laughs alot (at first they were airy laughs but now that are getting more squeaky).

2. He wiggles. . .ALOT! Especially during diaper change. He gets so excited when he is naked! It just cracks me up.

3. He smiles all the time and it is the biggest, cutest wide smile ever!4. Our conversations! He loves to talk. He gets so excited talking with people!

5. He is starting to mimic. When Daddy vibrates his lips together he tries to do it back. He has actually succeeded a couple of times.

6. He sleeps like an angel. He sleeps through the night!! He goes down at around 9 or 10 and he sleeps to 6,7, or even 8!!

So those are some highlights of our joys. There are with joys though, some sorrows.

1. He is starting to teethe. He is not happy about this. I feel super bad for the little guy.

2. His diapers are bigger and stinkier. When they say breastfed babies diapers don't smell, that is not the case with our little bug. Woo-eee!!

In addition to Carl turning three months old today he got to hang out with his cousins Reed and Holly for a bit today! But Mr. Carl was a bit of a troublemaker he got kicked out of his first bar today. We went to Amnesia for some food and drinks with the cousins and they kicked him out. So Amnesia hates babies and they have terrible beer! But Carl handled rejection well and we enjoyed some pizza down the street!

So now we head into the fourth month there is alot to look forward. . . maybe some teeth, perhaps rolling from back to front, and who knows what else. But the best part is his cuteness will just get better and better!


Anna said...

He sure is advanced. Tuck didn't get kicked out of his first bar until he was 20 months old. :)

Cameron and Rachel Bott said...

Aimee, he is positively adorable. I am glad you are enjoying every moment, because before you know it, he will be 2 and screaming all the time;). I must say, I know I will one day wish for those moments back too.

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