October 19, 2009

Bladder Bed

We went to our check-up today!! The baby's heartbeat can now be heard, it's quite amazing actually. Only problem is my doctor had some difficulty finding our little one this morning. She is moving the stick around and just couldn't find it. We talked about last week when I went in (for the leaking, which turned out to be my bladder). She noted that last week they found the heartbeat with no problem. Despite the difficulty I remained calm because I am learning a bit about my little one's personality. It likes to be difficult and is one for the dramatics, lol!!.

The Dr. moved the wand a little lower and then a little lower and there it was, the heartbeat! Right on top of my bladder!! My baby has been quite comfortable there for a week now. After talking to my mom last week there is a chance this is a permanent home. When she was pregnant with me I camped out on her bladder the entire time.

So I have decided there must be something really comfortable about my bladder. Perhaps because I am always drinking water it is squishy and it likes it. I wish I could just ask our little one what is so enjoyable about it but it will be it's little secret. John finds it quite hilarious when I sneeze or move and I go, "Oh crap, I will be right back." He offered to buy me Depends. My response was a glare and a bunch in the arm.

That is how our little one is doing. It has made my bladder a bed for itself. So the check up went well. The baby is fine. I too am alright for the most part. I need to eat more protein and my next appointment they will be checking my glucose. It's a bit early to be doing it but because of family history and some slight concerns now we are going to look into it.

Before I end this blog you are probably all wondering when and if we will be finding out the sex. Yes, yes we will. We are all about supporting gender identity and roles in society. So on November 6th we will find out!!!! In just a few weeks our little one will no longer be it or baby. It will have a name (yes we already have names). So be on the lookout for that update.

Anyway for now John & Aimee + Baby are doing quite well!!

15 weeks going on 16!


Abby said...

I'm so excited for you, Aimee! I totally love that scripture you posted on your banner, too. It's beautiful.

I've been reading through your blog and just wanted to respond to the crazy hairs popping up in wierd places thing. I totally have been getting these little dark hairs around my belly button. They drive me NUTS and I just have to shave them or pluck them. But you are right, it's all apart of being pregnant and all those crazy hormones. It's a small price to pay for getting a baby!