January 31, 2011

1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. . .10!!! TEN!!!

Carl is ten months old!! (back on the 26th)  It is difficult to wrap my head around the idea that in two months my little boy will be turning ONE!!

So what has Carl been up to the last month?  MOVING!!  He has long mastered rolling and crawling so he moves extremely fast and there is no sense in corralling him since he just moves what is in his way!  The days of being able to clean and accomplish a lot are long gone.  But I pray soon we will transition into "help mommy" stage.  I am also learning there is no such thing as baby proofing!  We did some basics; electrical plugs, and moving heavy stuff on the lower book shelves to different areas, and making sure there is nothing that can hurt him seriously is within his reach.  But that is about all that we can do. We have dogs and I have resolved myself into knowing and accepting that Carl will get hairy, no matter how much I vacuum.  As he is growing I am trying to let go of little things.  It's is HARD!!!

The past month or should say the last few days Carl is learning how to take steps.  When holding him up he now takes steps and he has learned that if the ground is smooth he can just scoot his feet out and slide!  He loves it!

Carl is pretty much eating whatever (no not steak).  He has those two little teeths and his gums I am sure are made of steel so he is good at chewing and eating.  He is really good at EATING!  He loves to eat all the time.  So I am quite surprised that he is the 10th percentile in weight! In addition to eating food he is still nursing!  So talk about quite the food intake! 

This past month Carl had his first fall, and of course it happened with me and it about gave me a heart attack. My son while in my watch with me right next to him fell off the changing table!  He cried for a few seconds but was fine and long recovered before my heartbeat stabilized!  It made me realize that everything in a child's life happens in a SPLIT second!  And I am preparing myself for the next 18 years of bumps, bruises, and scrapes.  And if you know who is father is; there will be lots of those!

January 16, 2011

I think the scale is lying!

A little over a week ago Mr. Carl had his nine month old well baby appointment.  The most exciting part of the appointments is to get the measurements.  I was rather shocked to see the scale saying Carl only weighs 18.2 lbs.  He seems so much heavier!  The appointment was supposed to be low key.  Just a check up and no shots.  That is what I told Carl.  But since we are flying to Houston next month to see Grandma and Uncle D, I went ahead with the flu shot.  So now I am the mom that lied to her child.  But Carl didn't seemed phase.  It was only the one little poke and there were no tears!!  He let out a little bit of a whine but then went back to his giggly smiling self!

So as far as the weight goes he dropped a bit on the scale.  From 25th to 10th percentile.  But there are no concerns because Carl loves to eat and he eats all the time.  Along with eating he is a mover.  He keeps mama moving!   And he keeps us laughing!